About us


The business arena for the construction and civil engineering industry

Our cities are constantly evolving and growing continuously. This poses significant opportunities and challenges for the construction and civil engineering industry. The Building Fair invites you to two intensive days where industry stakeholders can meet and collaborate for sustainable development – a meeting place that provides the best possible conditions for networking, doing business, and discovering new products and innovations.

In focus 2025 at Byggmässan:

Industrial machinery and the construction crane. Cranes and skyscraper under construction, city skyline at sunset, sunrise Building under Construction site
construction worker checking location site with crane on the background

Easyfairs as a organizer

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Easyfairs is now certified according to the national environmental management standard Svensk Miljöbas.

Easyfairs Nordic AB has been working systematically with environmental and sustainability issues for many years. Since January 2023, Easyfairs has been certified according to the national environmental management standard Svensk Miljöbas. Easyfairs can now also offer its customers the opportunity to make their events sustainable and environmentally certified. Being certified according to Svensk Miljöbas means that Easyfairs works systematically and structurally to reduce the company’s environmental footprint and contribute to positive development for people and nature. Read more here.

Discover our partners

The content of the fair is developed in close dialogue and collaboration with organizations, authorities, and companies all working towards the development of Western Sweden.




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